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EGC international Careers

As one of the Scandinavian markets fastest growing companies, EGC International. is always looking for talented associates. We think of every employee as long-term investment and we invest in our future thru our people. We offer challenging careers in al facets of financial services, you can advance as far as your talent and ambition take you.

The opportunities to gain new areas of expertise are nearly limitless. We have great employee benefits programs and our partnership options enables you to become a great part of our success. If you are joining our company you receive the training, mentoring and support you need to succeed. Ultimately, an individual's success depends on initiative, perseverance and the ability to work with and motivate others.

To see more information about a job and how to apply, click on the links on the left.

We are interested in talking to experienced people who want to make a career in the International private equity Market and we have positions based in Europe.


Hier gelten

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